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IF you’ve been discouraged and have easily wanted to give up on your blogging venture, you are not alone! I knew from the moment I started blogging, that there would be several things that would set me apart from the rest, and that would be to never give up, to keep pushing hard, and when …

Read More about 7 Things Bloggers Do to Be Successful at Blogging

Chances are you are probably aware that you need the very best blogging resources to succeed as a blogger, especially if you landed on my blogging resources page!  These tools seriously keep my blog running and operating in fine order and I really couldn’t do it without them. Blogging resources are the #1 thing to …

Read More about The Top Blogging Resources You Need for Your Blog

Tailwind communities really do form the backbone in most successful bloggers’ promotion strategies!  And in much the same way that Pinterest is used, Tailwind will help you find content, build relationships, reach new and receptive audiences, all in the niches that you write about. Receptive audiences are key, as most tailwind users already have huge …

Read More about The Tailwind Guide You Need For Your Blog

If you are a new blogger or have been blogging for a while… Then you may have made some mistakes at some point or another. And if we’re being honest here, I have made them and thankfully I have learned from them. So today I wanted to address the seven top mistakes that happened to …

Read More about 7 Blogging Mistakes Most New Bloggers Make (How To Avoid Them!)