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How to Grow an Orange Tree in a Container Pot

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How to Grow an Orange Tree in a Container Pot: Take a peek at this very easy guide to plant and grow your very own orange tree!

How to Grow an Orange Tree in a Container Pot

The planting and growing process of an orange tree inside a container pot can be a very satisfying and rewarding experience.

It’s not just about enjoying freshly picked, natural oranges but you’ll also add a touch of nature-inspired beauty and charm to either your patio, your kitchen plants, or your garden.

If this idea excites you, let’s learn how to plant your new orange tree!!

This detailed guide will take all the necessary steps needed to successfully cultivate and grow an orange tree inside a container pot.


SEE ALSO: Mediterranean Garden Ideas: Crafting Your Own Outdoor Sanctuary


How to Choose the Right Orange Tree Variety To Plant in a Pot

orange tree in pot

The first step in establishing the orange trees in containers is choosing the best type. Half-dwarf or smaller varieties are best as they are easier to handle in tight areas.

A few of the best orange tree options are:

orange tree in pot

Calamondin: This is a very well-known orange, known for its small, tart fruit, which is great for cooking and making marmalades (yum!). 
Owari Satsuma: This is a seedless, extremely easy-to-peel variety of fruit that is juicy and sweet and great for fresh eating.
Trovita: This variety of orange trees yields moderately sweet and medium-sized fruit, ideal for juicing or eating fresh.

If you choose any of these orange trees, they are ideal for growing in containers because of their small dimensions and their easy-to-manage root systems, (more on that later!). 


How to Select the Right Container for your orange tree!

orange tree in pot

Choosing the best container is essential to the growth and health of your new orange tree. Because after all, you want your new plant to be harvest-ready as fast as possible!

Here are a few important things to consider when selecting your container pot to plant in:

The Size: The pot should be at a minimum of twenty-four inches wide and in-depth. This will give enough space for the roots to expand.

The Material: Plastic pots are light and can hold moisture for a long time, while terracotta containers allow greater air circulation to roots but require more frequent irrigation.

Drainage Holes: Make sure that the pot is equipped with drainage holes to prevent the accumulation of water, which could lead to root rot.


Preparing the Soil

orange tree in pot

Now that you have bought your container, let’s get your tree ready for the nutrients, aka nutrient-rich SOIL!

A well-mixed soil is vital to the health and development of your citrus tree. Citrus trees require well-drained soil to flourish as well. 

Here’s how you can prepare the soil for your new orange tree:

Soil Mix: Utilize a commercial mix of citrus potting or create your mix by mixing equal parts of peat moss, compost, and sand.
Fertilizer: Include a slow-release fertilizer made for citrus plants to ensure steady nutritional value. A balanced fertilizer that has an appropriate ratio of 6-6-6 or 8-8-8 is the best choice.


How to Plant Your Orange Tree

orange tree in pot

Make sure you follow these instructions to establish your tree before you plant and during the planting phase:

1. Drainage Layer: Lay a layer of crushed clay or gravel on the base of your pot to ensure drainage.

2. Soil: The pot should be filled halfway with soil mix.

3. Positioning: Put your tree right in the middle of the pot and carefully spread the roots.

4. Backfilling: Fill in your roots using soil to ensure the tree is planted to the same depth as in the original container.

5. Root Watering: Water the roots thoroughly so that the soil can cling to the roots when planted.


Watering and Feeding

orange tree in pot

A proper watering schedule and feeding regimen are vital to ensure the well-being of your orange tree:

Watering: The tree should be watered thoroughly at the time that the soil’s top inch appears dry. Avoid overwatering as it could cause root decay. In the summer the tree may require a greater frequency of watering particularly during hot temperatures.

Feeding: Citrus trees are a heavy feeder. Apply a specific fertilizer for citrus every 4-6 weeks throughout the growth season. The liquid fertilizer may also promote healthy leaf growth.


Providing Adequate Light for your orange tree in a container

orange tree in pot

Orange trees need lots of sunshine to grow fruits.

Sunlight: Make sure the tree receives at minimum six to eight hours of sun every day. A location with a south-facing aspect is ideal.

Indoor Growth: When you plan to grow indoors, you should consider the addition of natural light to grow lights to make sure the tree gets sufficient sunlight.


Pruning and Maintenance

orange tree in pot

Regular pruning and maintenance can ensure that your tree is fit and efficient:

Pruning: Prune the tree to keep the shape of its trunk. Get rid of dead or diseased branches or suckers that sprout at the base. Pruning promotes better circulation of air and better light penetration.
Pest Control: Frequently examine the tree for signs of insects such as aphids spider mites and scale. In case of infestation, treat it immediately with organic insecticidal soap or oil.


Overwintering Your Orange Tree Tips

If you’re in a climate that has cold winters, you’ll have to ensure your tree is protected during colder winter seasons:

Indoor Security: Before the first frost take the tree indoors to a bright, cool place. Reducing the amount of watering, however, makes sure that the soil doesn’t dry completely.
Gradual Transition: During the spring, slowly adjust the tree to the outdoor environment by putting it in the sun for a few hours every day, and increasing the amount of amount of time spent outside over some time.



orange tree in pot

Now this is the fun part because the harvesting of your oranges at home is a wonderful reward! You get to reap the benefits if you manage your orange tree in a pot all year round.

Here are a few tips and ideas on how to harvest your oranges so you get plenty more fruits growing year after year:

Ripening: The ripening of oranges usually occurs during the Winter months. They are ready for pick when they are completely colored and soft to the touch.

Picking: The fruit should be gently twisted to remove it from the tree. Fresh oranges can be eaten directly from the tree or used to make diverse recipes.


Troubleshooting Common Issues with Orange Plants

orange tree in pot

Be on the lookout for common issues that can impact the tree’s orange color:

Yellowing Leaves: This could indicate the presence of nutrient deficiencies, excessive watering, and poor drainage. Check that the tree is getting adequate nutrients, and alter the watering methods as required.

Fruit Drop: Uncontrolled watering, not enough light, and extreme temperatures may result in a fruit drop. Make sure to water the tree regularly and make sure that your tree gets enough sun.

Pests and Diseases: Check regularly for indications of diseases or pests. The most frequent pests are aphids scale and spider mites. Make sure to treat infestations immediately using appropriate techniques.

orange tree in pot

If you follow these steps and give it consistent attention by following these steps, you’ll be able to take pleasure in the beauty and bounty of an orange tree that has been planted in a pot.

Plus, if you’re patient and dedicated you’ll get tasty, fresh oranges, and the pleasure of caring for the tree of your choice.


Frequently Asked Questions

orange tree in pot

FAQ section that will provide more information on growing orange citrus trees in a pot:

1. Can I plant any kind of tree in an orange container?

Although you can plant a variety of varieties of orange trees in containers smaller or half-dwarf varieties are better. They are more manageable and their root systems are more suitable for small space.

2. How often do I need to keep my tree’s water supply up?

Make sure to water your orange tree thoroughly as soon as the top of the soil is dry. In hot weather or during the growing season, you might require more frequent watering. Be cautious not to over-water since this can cause root rot.

orange tree in pot


3. What kind of fertilizer should i use to fertilize my orange tree?

Make use of a specific citrus fertilizer that has an even ratio, like the 6-6-6 and 8-8-8. Apply it every 4-6 weeks throughout your growing time. In addition, you can apply a liquid fertilizer for foliar feeding to help promote healthy and strong leaves.

4. Can I grow an orange tree inside all year long?

You can certainly grow an indoor orange tree all year long providing it has enough sunlight. It should be placed in an area that gets at minimum six to eight hours of sun each day. If the natural light source is not enough you can make use of grow lights to help.


orange tree in pot


5. What dimensions of the container do I get for my tree of oranges?

Pick a container at a minimum of 20-24 inches in size and depth. This will give enough room for the roots to develop and will help the tree grow when it matures.

6. What do I do to know that my oranges have become ready for picking?

The best time to harvest oranges is during the harvest during winter. They must be completely colored and a little soft to the sensation. The fruit should fall off the tree with ease by the slightest twist.

orange tree in pot


7. What is the reason why the leaves on my tree change color?

A yellowing leaf could be an indication of deficiencies in nutrient levels, excessive watering, and poor drainage. Make sure your tree gets sufficient nutrients and alter your watering habits to prevent flooding.


orange tree in pot


8. How can I guard my orange tree from insects?

Make sure to regularly check your tree for insects such as spider mites, aphids, and scale. Make use of organic insecticidal soaps or neem oil for treating infestations quickly. Keeping the tree in good health by adequate watering and nutrition can aid in the prevention of pest issues.

9. What should I do if the orange tree begins to drop its fruit?

Fruit drop could be because of irregular watering insufficient lighting or extreme temperature changes. Make sure your tree receives consistent and regular sunlight. Guard it against abrupt temperature fluctuations.

orange tree in pot


10. Can I move my tree outside during summer?

Yes, you can take your tree outside in the summer. As it gets older, you can gradually adjust it to the outdoor environment by putting it in the sun for a couple of hours every day, extending the amount of time outdoors for several weeks. Be sure to place it located in a sunny and protected place.

11. How do I trim my orange tree?

Prune your fruit tree to keep its shape, size, and form. Take out any dead, diseased, or crossed branches. Prune suckers that sprout from the bottom of the trees. Regular pruning helps improve light and air circulation and encourages healthy growth.

orange tree in pot


12. What do I do when my tree isn’t blooming?

If your tree’s orange isn’t flowering, make sure that it’s getting enough sunlight and water as well as nutrients. Sometimes, cool temperatures can trigger the flowering. If your tree is indoors, try to place the tree in a more cool spot for a couple of weeks.

We hope these commonly asked questions and issues will assist you to feel more confident and educated about cultivating your new orange plant in a pot at home!

 orange tree in pot


There you have it! As you can see, planting and growing your very own orange tree is a remarkable and rewarding process, especially if you love your plant from planting to harvesting. 

Either way, get your hands dirty and try it out! 

And let us know in the comments how the planting process went for you!!


UP NEXT: 6 EASY Garden Vegetables To Grow, Even If You’re A Beginner


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