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Are you ready to make money from your homemade crafts?! If so, these homemade crafts are not only extremely easy to make but they also make great money online!  Are you interested in creating unique products that can be sold online? Perhaps you have a unique handmade craft that you want to sell at your …

Read More about 12 Easy to Make Homemade Crafts that Make Money

Are you looking for easy tips to make your home neater, especially if it is messy? These are 12 simple ways to ensure your home stays tidy. Are you ready to become neater at home? If so, then you know it can be difficult to keep up with daily housekeeping, but it doesn’t have to …

Read More about 12 Easy Ways To Become Neat If You’re Super Messy At Home

Do you have your side hustle already picked out but are too afraid to start? Or have you already begun doing some active work in your side hustle but ran into some trouble that is making you second guess what you are doing? Like anything new, you must first prepare yourself for success in order …

Read More about Five Simple Ways to Prepare for a New Side Hustle

Why should dry brushing be your new detox skin practice? First of all, did you know that your skin sheds about 50,000 dead skin cells every single minute — that’s not a day; that’s a minute! Some of those skin cells remain attached to your body, leading to blocked pores that can cause an array …

Read More about How To Bring Your Skin To Life By Dry Brushing (Plus 6-Min Routine)

Have you been stressing about how you could be way more organized than you currently are? We’ve all been there. Being disorganized isn’t something that happens overnight, it usually starts out as a gradual thing. And since keeping your home nice and tidy and organized can be a challenge, (especially if you are busy working …

Read More about 10 DIY Organizing Hacks to Improve Your Home Life

Raise your hand if you would like to fall asleep faster! Of course, you would. Good sleep is paramount if you want to lead a happier and healthier life.  Not only that, healthy sleep has an array of positive health benefits that help avoid obesity, heart disease, and lower illness length. However, since everybody wishes …

Read More about 14 Hacks That’ll Help Solve Your Small(ish) Sleep Problems

We’ve all been there… To some of us when we can’t sleep or when we are feeling extra nervous and anxious, those late-night snacks can act as our late-night companions. And they do a really great job of curbing our nighttime woes, especially when we need something instantly to fill the void. But did you …

Read More about 6 Surefire Ways To Stop Snacking At Night

Are you starting your day off with so much mental clarity, energy, inspiration, and motivation that your whole day is brought together with a sense to be more productive?  If not, what if you were able to wake up in the morning and not feel so tired or drained? Or imagine how great it would …

Read More about 8 Strategies That’ll Help You Wake Up Feeling Happy

For some people, getting up early and waking up early is a sensitive topic. Some like to wake up before the crack of dawn, meanwhile, others aren’t able to get out of bed until midday. However, since everyone’s unique and finding happiness in one’s life will always vary, did you know between 10% and 30% of adults struggle with …

Read More about How to Wake Yourself Up at 5 am & Not Feel Tired