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Are you starting your day off with so much mental clarity, energy, inspiration, and motivation that your whole day is brought together with a sense to be more productive?  If not, what if you were able to wake up in the morning and not feel so tired or drained? Or imagine how great it would …

Read More about 8 Strategies That’ll Help You Wake Up Feeling Happy

If you are needing a little extra help setting up your own customized Pin It button for Pinterest, let’s take you through the easiest guide using the jQuery Pin It Button plugin (for WordPress) to customize your very own Pinterest button! Have you ever wondered how to add a customized pin it button on your …

Read More about How to Add a Customized ‘Pin It’ Button For Your Blog!

Did you know that the number of nutrients absorbed by your body can range anywhere from 10 to 90 percent?  This means you might only be absorbing a small portion of the nutrients available from the foods that you are currently eating right now. Having our bodies functioning well and feeling really good is the …

Read More about 6 Clever Ways to Absorb Your Nutrients Faster

For some people, getting up early and waking up early is a sensitive topic. Some like to wake up before the crack of dawn, meanwhile, others aren’t able to get out of bed until midday. However, since everyone’s unique and finding happiness in one’s life will always vary, did you know between 10% and 30% of adults struggle with …

Read More about How to Wake Yourself Up at 5 am & Not Feel Tired

A minimalist kitchen is a great way to create a kitchen where you know where everything is. Here are 11 easy ways to create a minimalist kitchen at a moment’s notice! Have you ever craved to have a minimalist kitchen? A kitchen where you know where everything is at a moment’s notice? If you have, …

Read More about How to Create a Minimalist Kitchen to Save Space

How to start a minimal lifestyle: If you want to scale back to lead a minimal lifestyle? Here are 10 ways to start living life minimally! Are you intrigued with living a minimal lifestyle? If so, minimalism could be your next best solution, especially if you have a lot of stuff. Moreover, we all know …

Read More about 10 Ways on How to Start a Minimal Lifestyle

Are you finding Pinterest a lot to handle these days?  If so, you’ve come to the right place. This post contains the top 7 mistakes most bloggers make when using Pinterest to grow their blogs.   In fact, some don’t even know that they’re doing them! But before we start heading into the land of Pinterest …

Read More about 7 Pinterest Mistakes Most New Bloggers Make (& How to Fix Them!)

Are you looking to explode your blog traffic with Pinterest? If you are a blogger then no doubt that Pinterest has you wrapped around its little pinky right now… I know the feeling as I feel the same way!  Pinterest has a lot of bloggers scratching their heads, creating pin after pin after pin after …

Read More about 8 Ways To Give Your Pinterest Traffic A Boost

Today I wanted to talk about a big topic on social media and that’s Pinterest and how to pin fast! Pinning fast has been a hot topic in Facebook groups for years especially with the change of algorithms all the time these days.  It feels like we have to pin a lot more engaging pins …

Read More about How to Schedule Thousands of Pins at Once on Pinterest