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30+ Indie Aesthetic Wallpaper Ideas

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Are you looking for indie aesthetic wallpaper ideas for the background of your phone? Take a peek at these 30+ indie aesthetic wallpaper ideas I hand-selected for you!  

Indie Aesthetic Wallpaper Ideas

This blog post is about indie wallpapers with an indie aesthetic twist.

So if you are looking for an indie aesthetic wallpaper to lift your mood and vibes? These are the best indie aesthetic images to bring on some good vibes for your day!

This list of wallpapers is also perfect for cottage core, colorful indie kid, and kid core fans!

You can download any aesthetic wallpaper you see, as there are over 30+ indie backgrounds to choose from.

Only for good vibes!

How to save indie aesthetic wallpaper for your device:

Mobile: press down on the photo to save it or take a screenshot.

Desktop: right-click to save, save to your downloads, or airdrop to your phone or email them to yourself to save on your phone


Don’t forget to check out these other aesthetic wallpapers for the background of your phone:

56 Aesthetic Flower Wallpapers For iPhone (HD & Free!)

50+ FREE HD Black Wallpaper Downloads For IPhones

75 Tropical Wallpapers Free For Your Mobile Phone

60 Cute Wallpapers For Your iPhone To Download For Free

70+ Free Dark Wallpaper Downloads For iPhone


30+ best indie aesthetic wallpaper ideas

These are the top indie wallpapers you can use for your phone. You can take a screenshot of your favorite wallpaper at any time. They include the best colorful indie kid and kid core aesthetics that I could find. Enjoy!


1. Psychedelic.

indie aesthetic wallpaper ideas, indie wallpaper, indie background wallpaper

mushroom and smiley faces


2. inspirational indie wallpaper.

inspirational indie wallpaper.

“feeling is believing” indie quote wallpaper


3. Cat bucket hat wallpaper.

Aesthetic indie wallpaper cat bucket hat wallpaper.

cool cat wearing bucket hat indie wallpaper.


4. art enthusiast.

art enthusiast indie aesthetic wallpaper

bright and colorful retro background


5. care bear aesthetic.

care bear aesthetic indie wallpaper.

gotta love the care bears


6. CD indie aesthetic.

CD indie aesthetic wallpaper

retro CDs for the music lover


7. colorful care bears.

colorful care bears aesthetic indie wallpaper

care bears in different moods


8. fire aesthetic indie kidcore pattern.

fire aesthetic indie kidcore pattern wallpaper

kidcore flames


9. flower power.

flower power indie aesthetic wallpaper

bright colorful flowers background


10. groovy 60’s vibe.

groovy 60's vibe indie aesthetic wallpaper

bright 60’s era vibes


11. melting green smiley faces.

melting green smiley faces indie aesthetic wallpaper

aesthetic green smiley faces art


12. Karl jacobs indie wallpaper.

HD wallpaper Karl jacobs indie

for the kidcore fans background


13. hello kitty.

hello kitty indie aesthetic wallpaper

hello kitty indie kid-inspired wallpaper.


14. indie collage kidcore wallpaper.

indie collage kidcore wallpaper.

collage of good vibes


15. Sad and happy flower faces.

flower sad and happy faces wallpaper.

bright happy fun background


16. galaxy indie wallpaper.

galaxy indie wallpaper

colorful aesthetic art galaxy 


17. Indie kid aesthetic.

indie kid aesthetic HD mobile wallpaper

indie kid inspired photo art


18. Indie kid aesthetic.

Indie kid aesthetic HD mobile wallpaper

bright rainbow colors background


19. cloud eyes.

cloud eyes Indie wallpaper

aesthetic art with indie vibe


20. Rainbow stars.

Rainbow stars wallpaper

stars and pink rainbows background


21. Neon hearts.

Neon hearts Indie wallpaper

bright neon pink and red hearts background


22. Indie “I’m Okay” wallpaper.

Indie "I'm Okay" HD mobile wallpaper

“I’m okay” good vibes


23. Melting suns.

Indie wallpaper of melting suns

bright and colorful background


24. kidcore indie wallpaper.

kidcore indie wallpaper

collage of fun colors and sayings


25. Rainbow care bears.

Rainbow care bears aesthetic wallpaper

care bears indie background


26. melting smiley faces.

melting smiley faces indie aesthetic wallpaper

bright and colorful aesthetic art


27. original heart.

original heart indie aesthetic wallpaper

red original heart art


28. Rainbow heart.

Rainbow heart indie aesthetic wallpaper

black heart icon on rainbow background


29. 90s collage indie kid wallpaper.

90s collage indie kid mobile wallpaper

a colorful collage of the ’90s


30. Kidcore indie-inspired.

Kidcore indie inspired background

kidcore inspired photo art background


31. Smiley faces.

Smiley faces indie aesthetic mobile background

retro smiley faces indie dark blue background


32. Take a trip.

Take a trip indie aesthetic mobile wallpaper

Trippy indie wallpaper


33. Carebear Homie.

indie aesthetic care bear

Image via Pinterest

Rollin with my homies care bears indie


There you have it! These indie aesthetic wallpapers will take you to good vibes, whether you chose just one or if you chose several.

If you’d like to see more indie aesthetic wallpapers, just let me know!

What do you think about these aesthetic wallpapers?

Please let me know what you think in the comments.

Thank you for reading!


Here are more aesthetic wallpapers for the background of your phone:

60+ Whimsical Dark Academia iPhone Wallpapers

90+ iPhone Aesthetic Wallpaper Backgrounds

56 Aesthetic Flower Wallpapers For iPhone (HD & Free!)

50+ FREE HD Black Wallpaper Downloads For IPhones

75 Tropical Wallpapers Free For Your Mobile Phone

60 Cute Wallpapers For Your iPhone To Download For Free

70+ Free Dark Wallpaper Downloads For iPhone

Author: Everything Abode

Welcome to Everything Abode, your daily inspiration for every activity at home!

Our goal is to inspire you to live an elegant and chic lifestyle from the comfort of your home.

We’ll help you express yourself through authentic style, aesthetic beauty, and stylish home decor.

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