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8 Painless Ways To Stay Motivated As A New Blogger

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8 Painless Ways To Stay Motivated As A New Blogger - Everything Abode

Have you just recently started a blog and are in need of some helpful ways to stay motivated? 

If so, then you’ve come to the right place, because blogging can feel overwhelming even at the best of times.

And when it comes to turning an idea into a profitable venture, there is no doubt that blogging will take a lot of work!

Not only that but in the beginning, most new bloggers, compare their results with successful bloggers who have been blogging for 5 to 10 years. And when they do, it leaves them asking themselves, if they’ll ever meet their success.

For times like those, when that unmotivated feeling takes over your body, you need some good motivational techniques to help you stay on track.

Because you can live the life you crave and reap success from your brand new blog– but only if you stay motivated!

To help you out, here are 8 painless ways to stay motivated as a new blogger. 

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Important note!

Have you started a blog or are blogging already I really hope so - Everything Abode

Before you head to the list of motivating techniques, I think this is extremely important to know because a lot of new bloggers out there are wasting their hard-earned money right off the bat. 

The best deal to save even more money is to make sure you are self-hosting your blog with Bluehost! Because when it comes to blogging you need a legit and budget-friendly self-hosting platform.

So if you haven’t done that yet, you can find out how to set up a self-hosted blog here. Just know that I stayed with Bluehost all the way up to when I reached 250,000 monthly pageviews. 

And I only made my switch to a faster-hosting company (which is more money now) when I reach over those 250,000 page views consistently. 

Why am I saying this?! Well, Bluehost is CHEAP! And they did great for me when my blog was up for the first two years. So don’t overspend your money in the beginning if you don’t have to. Bluehost is reliable for startup blogs, super fast for smaller blogs (since you won’t receive tons of traffic in the beginning) and MOST importantly Bluehost is very affordable.

So, if you don’t have a blog that’s self-hosted yet, make sure that you check out my easy step-by-step guide on how to start a WordPress Blog in under 20 mins here!

Why staying motivated is so important

Now before we start the motivation tips, you have to know that when you compare your brand new blog with other successful blogs, (especially when lacking the motivation to keep pushing through), that comparison trap will only make it harder for you to keep on blogging.

I’ll discuss this further down below but that’s what I am going to try to cover in this post with you today.

All the needless little things that held me back in my first year blogging and what helped me get back on track so you can learn from me and get back on track. 

Because the truth is I’ve felt it (lack of motivation) and it feels really hard especially when you’re venturing out into something new when it feels intimidating and scary getting out there.

So I quickly want to run over a few things…

Usually, as a new blogger, there with tons and tons of requirements that are needed for your posts like creating graphics and pins with Picmonkey, email marketing and sending freebies with ConvertKit, constantly editing and updating on a daily basis, learning all about interlinking and linking in general,  and not to mention marketing your brand new blog!

You see all of those articles I linked for you above? That’s what I am talking about — blogging is a ton of work! 

So, it goes with no surprise that it can overwhelm and stress out even the MOST experienced bloggers out there and hands down, it still stresses me out!

But it’s possible to push through.  And it’s super possible for you to grow your blog and be exactly where I am with mine right now in a matter of a year or two.

Moreover, even though there are so many little things pulling at brand new bloggers in every direction possible, you might feel like there isn’t enough time. 

Like the world just does not want us to get ahead and that the hours in the day are just not enough! Trust me, I feel that on a daily basis still to this day. 

And truth be told, no matter how you feel when you lack the strength and stamina to get your blogging work finished, the main ingredient in getting out alive is always going to be staying motivated!

Whether you are new at blogging or if you have hit the ‘burn out‘ wall due to blogging way too much, these 8 painless tips to staying motivated will help you out immensely if you need to hit the restart button!

So let’s get started!

8 Ways To Stay Motivated As A New Blogger


1. Focus Down.

Maintaining motivation for your brand new blog will seem hard in the beginning but if you focus down, you’ll reach your goals a lot sooner.

What I mean by focusing down, is you will want to focus all of your effort on one task and only that one task until it is completed. 

What a lot of people do is they tend to spread their focus in lots of different directions (to finish more tasks simultaneously), but when they do this, they miss little details, make errors and it can get out of hand really fast. It’ll actually snowball if you do this!

So the best thing you can do is to focus on only one task until it is completed.

Remember that staying motivated is being able to remain focused, so in order to keep your momentum going, focus down on your main important tasks and complete them before you start something else.  

By doing this you will get things done a lot quicker and see much faster results than if you were to work scrambled without a clear direction that’s all over the place. 

And since no two things are the same, especially when it comes to blogging, start with what you can do (right now), and you’ll start developing a system that will start to feel like your new normal. 

2. Make The Time Investment.

We’ve heard this old saying time-and-time again, “You reap what you sew”, and it’s actually very true when it comes to the blogging industry.

In fact, each professional blogger that you idolize right now went through that season.  The hard season in which they had to plant the seeds into their blogs, so their blogs could successfully grow over time.

That means, to stay extra motivated, you have to be willing to make time for your blog because time will be the only way to grow your blog into a successful and profitable one. 

We all have the same 24 hours in the day (the same time-frame as the successful bloggers have), and since they all invested the time and hard work into building their online presence, you can certainly do it too.

And remember, no one wakes up one day as a professional blogger. So making time for your blog will keep you in a clear straight direction for whatever goals you want to accomplish, and it’s a mandatory step in the blogging industry.

The more time you invest in your work, the more you will reap come harvest time. 

Pro-tip for managing your time better!

If you would like to manage your time better with marketing your new blog, you should consider getting Tailwind. 

Tailwind is a blogger’s best friend and their MOST favorite scheduling tool for sharing content on Pinterest because Tailwind saves SO much time. It even increases your blog traffic and followers and it’s worth every penny!

You can even snag your first month free here!

3. Believe, Stay Positive & celebrate your Smallest of Wins.

Now, no matter what you would like to accomplish in the blogging industry, you might want to start believing in yourself!

Just saying, because you really need to be your own little self cheerleader, especially in the beginning, if you would like to make it out alive. 

Having the belief that you really can accomplish your blogging goals (big or small) will be one of the best ways to obtaining your blogging goals, so start thinking positively, believe you can get what you would like to accomplished done, and know that if you put your mind to it, you really can achieve it!

For extra motivation, start celebrating all the little things that make your new blog great. Celebrate every new subscriber, celebrate your traffic goals (no matter how little in the beginning), and if you hit your weekly posting regimen, celebrate that!

When you start celebrating all the little things that bring you that much closer to your goals, paired with the belief that you can reach your goals, you will soon notice that you will crave all those little wins more often.

Plus, blogging gets really exciting as things start to develop but you must remain positive, celebrate your small wins, and believe in yourself!

4. Wake Up Early.

Wake Up Early

This blogging motivation tip may feel hard to accomplish for those night owls out there, but truth be told, waking up earlier and getting things done in the morning really does help.

The pressure will be off your shoulders when it comes to completing a daunting task or writing your content for the day and waking up early is so important for your motivation.

Think about it like this, if you get more work accomplished and reach your blogging goals earlier in the day, it’ll set you up for more wins and you’ll be less distracted. Plus it’ll give you so much more time to enjoy those mid-day blogging webinars that all new bloggers sign up for to hone and learn new skills. 

5. Have the Right Intentions.


When it comes to blogging, you should already have this figured out, and it’s your intentions. To put it frank, why are you blogging and what are you hoping for?  

Because when it comes to the blogging industry, so many people look to start a blog to make money.

They think when they make it big, that they will be able to travel the world whenever they’d like, they think they’ll easily be able to work with amazing companies via sponsorships (which is incredible when you reach that level of success), and they think they can blog whenever their schedule permits.

But I am here to tell you that the actual number of bloggers who reach that level of success is SMALL. 

So here’s my take on having the right intentions…

A lot of people think that they will fall in love with blogging. Heck, everyone I meet thinks this life is so glamorous and that it is SO easy to accomplish.

In fact, I’m sure they think… “If she did it, I can too!”. And of course, don’t get me wrong, if you believe in yourself and think you can do it, then go for it!

But the stone-cold hard truth when it comes to making money from blogging (and I mean over 10,000 a month blogging!), is blogging is not as easy as you think!

Yes, blogging is really freeing (meaning you can wake up and do whatever you want) and you don’t have to report to ANYONE, and it’s totally the best job in the whole world but that’s only if you LOVE it!

See what I said there?! You have to LOVE what you do. 

You have to fall in love with blogging and the journey, otherwise, it’s just going to be a big waste of time. 

You have to soak in all the knowledge that you can get your hands on, you have to push through the growing pains because let me tell you, there will always be loads of growing pains and it never stops. 

So staying motivated in the blogging industry really comes down to your intentions and why you are blogging.

Are you in it for the money? Or are you in it to help people?!

Because if you’re in it for the latter, it will bring you success, and if you do it for the money, it will make your journey all the more hard.

Be bang on with why you are wanting to start a blog and do it for the right reasons. 

6. Enjoy The Process & Learn as much as you can.

Every motivational leader expresses this, in some sort of way, for almost every other industry, and blogging is not excluded. 

So whether you are making money a couple of dollars from your affiliate sales a month, or you are just starting out, always make sure that you are enjoying the process because enjoying what you do is essential to success.

Learn as much as you can as well because that will be key to your success. When I first started even thinking of starting a blog, I probably read to the equivalent of 30 to 40 blogging industry-related books and I also enjoyed most of that process.  I am hooked, to say the least, and I’m writing about it now! 

So learning new skills and enjoying the process will give you that extra little motivation that you need, and it will also give you hope.

7. Gather Inspiration.

Find Inspiration

One of my favorite things to do when I lose motivation is to see what other bloggers are doing (that I may be missing out on) so I can reinvigorate my inspiration a little!

Go through some websites (ones that really inspire you or you think are amazing) and try to figure out, how to make your blog, stand out just like theirs.

Ask yourself questions like… What are they doing that you like? What intrigues you to follow them? What fonts are they using? How are they setting up their posts and what formats are they using?  

If you ask questions like these, you will surely get back on the best road possible, to accomplish all of your personal blogging goals. 

Not only that but if you take in inspiration (from all different types of blogs that you love), and adapt some of them to your own blog, your blog will kind of hum a little something of your own!

So keep this in mind and always stay inspired. It will really help keep the blogging wheels in motion.

8. Be Transparent & don’t set the bar too high.

Now the last thing that I would like to address when it comes to staying laser-focused with maintaining motivation for your blog, is that setting the bar way too high for yourself will be a huge motivation sucker. 

In the beginning, when I wasn’t as professional as I am now (I’m still working on it!), I would say in one post, “I’ll have a review for you about XYZ soon… “, then I would completely forget that I wrote that and never get back to it!

And when I receive emails from other bloggers saying they’ll do a webinar on Tuesday and then crickets, this is what I’m talking about. 

It’s setting the bar way too high and not being transparent about it. 

Try not to overextend yourself with keeping up with expectations — even if those expectations are your own because they most usually are!

Be easy on yourself. Promise only what you can realistically manage. Know that your audience will much rather you be transparent with them, than making empty promises you cannot keep.  And always do the best you can. 

You’ll soon discover, that if you take that extra pressure off yourself, blogging will fall together naturally as time goes by!

There you have it. No matter how you feel, know that blogging does take time and it needs you to be consistent with it. Stay on track, think positively, and you’ll do just great if you never give up. 

**P.S Keep reading if you haven’t started a blog but need some support!

First, I really do have to say that starting this blog has enabled me to be able to make a decent FULL-TIME income from working from my very own home.

Secondly, It’s pretty apparent that I LOVE blogging!

This was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. 

But I don’t do it alone!  I have some epic tools (that feel like employees for the most part) that help me hit my numbers and goals each and every month, so check them out below. 

And if you haven’t started a blog, but really want to? You have to read this step by step guide in THIS POST HERE because it has the basics to starting a WordPress blog (like mine).  After you finished the guide, make sure that you check out THIS POST HERE because it will help you AFTER you have set up your blog and give you the tangible blogging advice that you need, on what to do next!


More Blogging Tools, That are awesome:

Tailwind This is a blogger’s best friend and their MOST favorite scheduling tool used for sharing content on Pinterest. Tailwind saves SO much time and effort and it even increases your traffic and Instagram and Pinterest followers. IT’S WORTH EVERY PENNY!

ShareASale This is the best place to find TONS of affiliate programs to join, especially if you are wanting to start earning money on your blog with affiliate sales! In fact, this is my #1 GO TO affiliate network for my affiliate sales, where I made my FIRST $100 dollars just after my first-month blogging! 🙂 You can sign up here!

ConvertKit This is the MOST popular email newsletter provider. WHY? Because most bloggers find it extremely EASY to use and to grow their email list! It’s totally worth the monthly fee because it’s super easy to create email courses AND give away freebies in just a few simple steps. Don’t believe me? You can check out this ConvertKit step by step here!



Author: Everything Abode

Welcome to Everything Abode, your daily inspiration for every activity at home!

Our goal is to inspire you to live an elegant and chic lifestyle from the comfort of your home.

We’ll help you express yourself through authentic style, aesthetic beauty, and stylish home decor.

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Monday 28th of October 2019

Arrrggghh thank you! This is just what i needed today. One month into blogging and feeling overwhelmed with my to-do list. After reading this, i threw out my to-do list and just focued on one thing, writing ARTICLES. FInIshed 2 drafts! Nailed it!


Wednesday 30th of October 2019

Yay so great to hear Tony! I was actually just doing some pin designs (a minute ago) and I was getting very frustrated... so back to writing I went. If it doesn't fit with your mood it will another time, that's what I've learned with blogging. Glad this helped you!!

Julie Rogers

Monday 21st of October 2019

I love this post. I'm totally guilty of number 1! I'm all over th e place. I have so many ideas and thoughts, it's pretty hilarious. I'm currently trying to get more organized with that so I will focus on one thing at a time! Anyway, I really enjoyed your post. Take care.


Wednesday 23rd of October 2019

So true, it's hilarious on my end because I have so many ideas too! I've learned to just go with my gut and it seems to always work out. Thanks, Julie!