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50+ Important Blogging Tips For New Bloggers

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50 + Tips For New Bloggers You Need to Know! - Everything Abode

Are you new at blogging and in need of some extra guidance?

If so, let’s talk about what you will need in order to become a well-established blogger.

That way you can actually start making money from your new blog this year!

This blog post literally has everything that new bloggers will need to be able to start their own blog with ease such as how to post good-looking and informative blog content, marketing tips to be able to make money, WordPress advice with the added right plugins to use in the beginning, and hosting tips so you can start your blog off right. 

Not only that but if you follow a few of these 50+ blogging tips for new bloggers, hopefully, you’ll be able to hit that 50,000 sessions a month mark NOT page views (and I’ll explain later) so you too can be able to apply to become an exclusive member of the Mediavine family (because they are awesome!). 

Moreover, the reason why I plugged Mediavine is that Mediavine is the ad network that I work with and they are a wonderful advertising company that you should strive to join too.

Additionally, Mediavine is the ads that you see on this blog and they are the very BEST company to display ads with (in my personal opinion) within the blogging industry as a whole. 

However, since blogging shouldn’t solely be about making money (I know that’s a hard concept to accept) but when you are new at blogging there are also many benefits to starting a blog that money can’t buy. 

For example, one of the big benefits of blogging is that you get to create helpful content that actually helps people! You can help people achieve their own success in whatever you happen to write about and that is a great thing to strive for. 

Further, if you enjoy blogging which is creating content for a living, you will eventually make a living out of it if you don’t quit!

Another thing that I would like to point out is (if we’re being really honest here), is if you create content that BOTH people enjoy reading and that also pays for your way of life, that’s the ideal scenario that you really want to see down the road when it comes to blogging as a whole.

Trust me, when it comes to blogging, if you pick subjects that you enjoy writing/creating, that will be your recipe for success that’ll stand the test of time for any brand new blogger. 

Additionally, the potential to generate enough money from your brand new blog so that you can become a full-time blogger is ultimately going to be up to you!!

When it really comes down to it, your success is always going to be in your own hands and no one else!

So if you are new to blogging or in need of a grand scope on what blogging really entails, take a seat because these over 50+ blogging tips for new bloggers are going to go into full detail on the best approach you should take when starting your brand new blog.

P.S if you take anything away from these blogging tips for new bloggers, please comment and let me know about it down below!

I would LOVE to hear what you took away from these new blogger tips because honestly there is no stopping you from being well on your way to making lots of money yourself as a professional blogger if you take what you need and apply yourself. 

Let’s get to it! 



If you don’t have a blog and want to go all-in starting a blog today, make sure to click the green button ‘Get Started Now’ in the image below to choose your package with Bluehost.

Why You Should Use Bluehost

I have a special deal with Bluehost and by clicking my link, you’ll get a discount as it’s the very best self-hosted platform to start out with as a brand new blogger. You only have to select the Basic package first, it’s very inexpensive (less than a cup of coffee a month) and you’ll be really happy with them like I was. Trust me!

50 + Blogging Tips For New Bloggers

Here are Some Don'ts that your Pinterest Group Board Strategy Should follow... -- Everything Abode

First, let’s talk about the Two MAIN Goals you should first focus on When You Start out as a new blogger…

Because the best status of a new blogger results in having these two things in your back pocket!

And before you can see any type of monetary value coming your way from your hard work, your areas of focus need to solely be based on these two important factors:

1. TRAFFIC– how much traffic you are getting to your blog each month depends on how you are marketing your new blog, how you are getting that traffic, and how you are building your traffic.

2. CONTENT– to keep that traffic climbing depends on how many new articles can you write each week and if you are writing good content that actually HELPS your readers, to come back looking for more.

As an additional note, the money will most usually follow AFTER you focus on these two things first.

So let’s kick things off and see how you can start your brand new blog, off on the right foot.

Here we go! There’s a lot here but learn what you can and see what you need for your new blog below 🙂

These blogging categories range from:

  1. Hosting
  2. Theme
  3. Design & Layout
  4. Keeping your blog legal
  5. Techy stuff
  6. Writing content
  7. Adapting content and recipes
  8. Photography
  9. Building connections with bloggers
  10. Making Money
  11. Brand partnerships
  12. Marketing
  13. Social media
  14. *Bonus tips!


50 + Blogging Tips For New Bloggers

Not Treating Blogging As A Business, blogging mistakes via @everythingabode

1. Hosting.

Why is being self-hosted so important? Self-hosting your brand-new blog will give you full control. And another crucial feature of being self-hosted with a WordPress blog is its also incredible flexibility. You have the control to do whatever you want with your website, unlike with free blogging platforms that severely limit what you can do.

Here’s the rundown of why being self-hosted is incredibly important and how to go about it as a new blogger…

  • First, in my personal experience you will want to start with a WordPress theme so you can sign up for your theme using a self-hosting platform – Trust me, while a switch from another platform is possible, it’s something that you don’t want to do. I switched my site from WIX (a drag and drop blog builder) and I wish I started my blog with WordPress and Bluehost from the very beginning. WIX took months away from my blogging life, as all I was doing was designing the look of my blog instead of creating valuable content.  When you invest in a WordPress theme (more about that in the Theme section below), pretty much all the design is done for you, so you can spend less time designing and more time writing. 
  • Self-host your blog with Bluehost – I repeat this over and over again on this blog in all my blogging guides because I can’t stress it enough; you really need to be self-hosted from the very start paired with WordPress. If you’re planning to place advertising on your blog, (which is a GREAT way to make money) then it’s a good thing to know from the very beginning that most ad networks prefer to work with WordPress over any other blogging platform. That’s why WordPress is the best platform to choose from and why I have a guide built around setting one up in under 20 minutes. Super important! 
  • Also, Bluehost is the most popular self-hosting platform there is out there and it has easy one-click-install integration with WordPress. My guide helps you set up both with Bluehost and is really all you will need to power your blog.
  • If you don’t have a blog yet? Head on over to this guide here where I’ll WALK you through starting your own WordPress blog through some simple steps. It’s super easy and takes 20 mins from start to finish! 


2. Theme.

Now let’s talk more about why WordPress themes are important to understand and have as your very first steps to starting a blog. 

Let’s face it, the look and design of your blog are both really important. It can set you apart from your competition and make you look all the more professional. 

Here are some helpful tips when it comes to investing and working with a blog theme:

  • Stay consistent – You’ll want to keep your fonts, graphics, and colors consistent across your blog and across all of your social media channels. As you can see with my blog, I have one consistent font for EVERYTHING (more about that in the next point) and two important colors (orange and pink) as my brand colors. 
  • Having too many fonts on your blog can cause your pages to load slower! Most new bloggers love using lots of fancy fonts to make their brand new blogs stand out, so keep this in mind when writing and designing your site. Font’s are all code and the more HTML code you add to your site equals more time it takes to load.
  • Market Research with 10 to 15 blogs that you love. See what is consistent with all of them. Is it the colors that they use? the type of fonts that they use? The bolding and the ease of the design? remember that branding and functionality play a huge role in blogging, so do your research on your WordPress theme so when you pick one you stick with it. This could also take you up to a week to figure out!
  • Choose your Theme – Next, you’ll have to pick your theme. Most themes are very inexpensive these days so do some research and pick one that is simple to navigate and that has been recommended by most bloggers. For example, this blog is powered by a Genesis theme, and it is called Foodie Pro. If you like it you can view more at Studio press hereTheme forest also has loads of blog themes for new bloggers and they are all compatible with WordPress and Bluehost!


3. Design & Layout.

Branding plays a major role in how your readers interact with your content and how you are perceived overall.

And since I addressed brand colors and themes above, going a bit further here are a few tips to consider to make your new blog incredibly user-friendly:

  • Have a (to-the-point) about me page – I prefer short and sweet and to the point, because the about me page shouldn’t be a place where all the info is ALL about you. All the top bloggers that I follow all keep it short and sweet. I wrote a post all about the About Page for your new blog with over 40+ tips, and you can read it here.
  • Get laser targeted – When you are explaining what your blog is about, you should get very targeted (like an elevator pitch) where your readers will be able to get the full download on what your main content will be about in under 10 seconds.
  • Include a photo (only if you are comfortable) – Readers want to know the face behind all this awesome (free) content you’re providing so make sure you have a photo or can best describe who you are by providing little tidbits of personal information about yourself.
  • Provide a short Q and A page like mine here or on your contact page to let others know more about you and your blogging practices, like if sharing your photos is something that you want other bloggers to do or if you would like your readers to know more about a particular subject.


4. Staying legal.

Now that we have gone through most of the theme side of blogging. Here’s just a quick overview of some legal stuff. Please note that I am not a lawyer and these are only my personal opinions. 

  • ALWAYS cite the original source you are referencing – When you are using other people’s images, recipes or anything really make sure that you are citing the ORIGINAL source (where you got that pic or info or recipe from) through proper use of accreditation. Proper citing is the best way to stay in good blogging stances with your new blog and makes you look very credible and professional.
  • Know that you can get sued – A lot of new bloggers misuse their sources or forget to include proper citing in their posts and that can give you a hefty fine. Especially if the original source has a big budget behind them to SUE you with!
  • Have a disclosure page – If you are planning on using affiliate links throughout your posts, make sure to have a disclosure page written for your new blog, the disclosure page better explains how your affiliate’s partners benefit you and your readers. Explain the benefits!!
  • Remember that most affiliate links (like Bluehost and Tailwind for example), come with special discounts for your readers, so let them know that on your disclosure page or when you are linking to them. People love discounts!!
  • Know about no-follow links – As a new blogger, you HAVE to know about no-follow links! I have a blog post written all about no-follow links with a plugin suggestion right here. All Affiliate links should be a no-follow link!!!! Very important!!!!
  • Don’t forget the Amazon Associates disclosure – If you are planning on using the Amazon associates program, then make sure to add their disclosure to your sidebar (that’s usually where most bloggers put the amazon disclosure). Again you can look at mine for reference in my sidebar. It’s a quick way to let your readers know that you plan on making affiliate income as your traffic continues to grow with your blog.


5. More techy stuff.

Plugins and what you should know – A lot of new bloggers miss out on knowing that again too many plugins can also slow down your site. Ever wonder why the Pinterest widget isn’t displayed in my sidebar? Yeah, it’s because it slowed down my site in a major way (if you have that plugin, try seeing how your site speed compares when you disable it).

Having a slow site can ruin your traffic stats and that’s just an awful way to start if you are trying to build up those page views to get signed up with Mediavine.

Remember the two goals from the beginning? Traffic is really important for new bloggers, so make sure to always think about loading speed because it plays a huge role in how your blog runs successfully. 

Here are the main WordPress plugin’s new bloggers should know about:

  • Security Plugin -There are people out there that will want to hack into your site. It’s crazy but it’s true. So to hinder that from happening, the plugin that I use is Itheme’s security plugin and it’s free. They also have a paid version, but it isn’t necessary, the free version is perfectly fine.
  • Backup Plugin- Why this is important is that it needs to be off-site on a different server from your hosting company. Most new bloggers rely on that their hosting site is all they need, but a secondary backup plugin is essential and the one that I use is the Updrafts WordPress plugin and it’s free! They also have a paid version, but it isn’t necessary, the free version is perfectly fine.
  • SEO Plugin if you want Google to send you organic traffic -There are several SEO plugins out there but by far the best one to go with is the Yoast Plugin. And it’s also free! Yoast is backed up by a big company, so their Plugin is almost always up to date.
  • Caching Solution Plugin – Using a caching plugin helps you rank better and it reduces your bounce rate from Google. WP Super Cache is a plugin that is supported by WordPress. If you do have a shopping cart on your website, make sure your cache plugin excludes those shopping cart pages. It can screw up your shopping cart so do a little research if that’s what you are looking for.
  • JQuery Pin It Button – I also wrote a post here to help you set up your own customized pin it button! This plugin allows your readers to pin the images that you display on your blog very easily, which you want to have if you would like to grow your Pinterest Reach!


6. Writing.

When it comes to successfully getting your new blog off the ground always remember that by creating great compelling content you WILL be able to monetize your blog down the line. After all, content is king! Take this particular article you are currently reading? I am so sure you are going to find something useful when it comes to blogging and since it has well close to 6,000 words, it has the potential to grow. 

Here are a few tips when it comes to having good writing practices: 

  • Write and write LOTS! – Your posts should all have ONE consistent GOAL in mind; to help your readers achieve SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Whatever you are writing about whether it’s a new idea, a product, a helpful way of doing something, achieving anything as the outcome is most ideal when it comes to creating online content. Like I said before, this particular post has loads of blogging tips for new bloggers. Better yet, EBA (Elite Blog Academy) has a whole module laid out about content creation as well. I took the course when I first started out and it worked wonders for me. It taught me that providing valuable information is really the best way to secure a great place for yourself online. You can get on EBA’s waiting list here and I’ll explain more about EBA a bit later in this post.
  • EDIT your posts 3x over – I see this a lot with new bloggers and myself included because when you are new, you are usually trying to hustle out enough content to get your page views increased. And if you are pumping out content really fast (like I did when I was first starting out), you will ultimately end up with a lot of typos. So the next two tools will really help you with this!
  • Use Grammarly – This editing tool is the best tool, bar none if you are writing quickly and need some extra support with your editing process. It’s what I use to edit all of my articles on a daily basis but be forewarned that it sometimes misses things so always edit 3 times over and if you can, get a friend or family member to help you out. Another source for editing and also seeing if your sentences are too long is this editing tool called the Hemmingway Editor. This specific tool highlights all the sentences that can be improved and it even highlights verbs that can be changed to create a stronger point. If you are a new blogger and are not used to writing, then this tool is for you!
  • Organize your blog content strategy (aka ideas) all in one place – Let’s face it, we all get the greatest ideas at the WORST of times, and isn’t that why it’s called Murphy’s Law for a reason?! So for those particular moments, use Evernote to help store all of your blogging ideas in one place. I also wrote a post on how to install Evernote here!
  • Use Sticky Notes for your desktop or laptop – Sticky notes are a blogger’s best friend because you will have a lot of information thrown your way at the beginning. My sticky notes are full of hashtag ideas, Pinterest descriptions but most of all, it has my affiliate links all on one tab as well for easy grabbing. It’s honestly the best way to start with affiliate marketing so you can easily drag and drop your affiliate links into your WordPress draft — on the go.
  • Make each post insanely useful and again stay organized — When it comes to being new at blogging you have to establish a rhythm that you can easily work with. After all, blogging is still one of the weirdest jobs ever created, and let’s face it, we have the potential to make money from the internet. If that’s not weird and crazy what is?! So do yourself a favor and stay very organized from the very beginning by utilizing some of these ideas above or researching more ways yourself. 


7. Photography.

I bet this is where a lot of new bloggers thrive the most, but for me, I have to be honest with you, I have a love-hate relationship with photography as a blogger.

It honestly gets so old sifting through photos for your blog posts. I find it very difficult to choose a photo (it takes me so long to find a photo that resonates with me) and the time it takes to edit, compress, and upload each photo is taken away from my writing.

So, to combat this I follow this rule…

    • Limit how many photos you use – Looking back, I wouldn’t skip photography but I would limit the number of pictures per post to 2 – 3 images max. In some posts, I put more emphasis on photos (if it sells an affiliate link well) but if you can get away with a few, start with that. 

Photography will hands-down make your blog look amazing but it does add to loading speed (seems like everything does!), which might turn into a headache if you’re not on top of it. 

There are two main routes that you can go with when it comes to photography for your blog:

1. You can create your own photos – If you already have a DSLR camera handy, then you are light years ahead of most professional bloggers (even me!) but by saying that, if you have a new smartphone, then that’s all you will need as well.

Here are a few photography tips to think about before you start your new blog:

  • Do not import your photos directly from your camera – The file size will be WAY TO LARGE, so make sure you always resize it and then compress it with Resizing your images will really help with your loading speed.
  • Know the power of three – when it comes to taking photos, three objects in a photo are always better than one. For example, a plate (1) paired with a fork (2) on top of a folded napkin (3) has way more substance than if the plate were there all alone.
  • Take your photos during optimal lighting hours – light is everything when it comes to photography so be creative and use three lamps if you really have to but it’s strongly encouraged that you use natural daylight for any home photography. 

2. Or you can use FREE Stock photography like everyone else– This is the main route that I took for my blog and I have had no difficulties (either than choosing) when it comes to creating great pins for Pinterest and using nice looking photos for this site. Here are a few free photo resources that I use still to this day:

  • Use free Stock Sites – The three main places where I get my FREE photography the most are UNSPLASH, PEXELS, and PIXabay. These sites are very useful and you can use the photos without attribution (crediting the source or photographer).
  • Edit your photos – This can be daunting if you are not used to editing but you’ll learn this facet very fast. I use adobe lightroom to edit the more detailed photos for my pins and the featured images for this blog. I also create my pins using Canva and PicMonkey.
  • Compress EVERY image – Always make sure at the very least that you are COMPRESSING every single photo that you upload to your blog. I use Tiny PNG to compress every photo.

8. Adaptation of recipes and guides.

Here’s what I understand to be an adaptation. It’s a little bit of a grey area because there are so many arguments that people have in what makes up a true adaptation, but I’ll try my best at describing how I see it.

Adapting recipes – So let’s say that you are a new food blogger and you found a recipe from another blogger that you really want to make or recreate… If you are inspired by a recipe, and have found it through another blog, and are only changing a FEW ingredients (say from animal products to vegan), then you should STILL credit the original source by saying “This Recipe was Adapted by ‘Source’”.

  • If the METHOD from the original source stays the same and all of the steps stay the same and there are only a FEW tweaks, the original source should still be referenced as an adaptation.
  • Adapting guides – The same goes for guides. If you are using a pinning strategy that a blogger has laid out in steps on his or her blog and you use all those steps, (even though you are writing it in your own words), you should still note where the inspiration came from.
  • Now here’s the grey area when it comes to recipes and guides: If the recipe is a regularly used recipe, (say pizza crust that thousands of chefs and bloggers have used), then chances are that the original source is hard to find, if this is the case, then that recipe DOES NOT have to be credited. The same applies to Guides and a standard way of doing something. If you are writing about how to do something that everyone does, and cannot find the original source, then it does not need to be accredited.
  • IF you are inspired by that recipe or guide AND that recipe or guide is unique only to that blogger, then that is when you should use proper citing on your blog giving them credit.
  • Good recipes and guides should be referenced because a lot of energy and time goes into them and that’s just not right to call it your own original work!


9. Networking.

There are droves of new bloggers and established bloggers out there, that blogging really is starting to be a HOT industry to be a part of (yay!).  So Participation is key when starting out as a new blogger.

Let’s face it, blogging can feel very lonely and it sucks just looking at a screen all day and have no other connections with like-minded people that KNOW WHAT you are talking about!!

That means that participating in networks and building connections from the start is a good way to start your new blog.

  • You can guest post for other bloggers! – Guest posting is a GREAT way to get backlinks to your blog! In fact, I welcome you to write for Everything Abode here! I’ll provide your blog a backlink for your guest post. Backlinks help your domain authority score which also helps your blog go up the ladders of Google, so if you want to learn more about backlinks I wrote a post all about no follow and do follow links here! And if you are new at blogging, this post will really teach you what you need to know especially if you are wanting to make money through affiliate marketing.
  • You can also get extra traffic through guest posting – Another reason why guest posting is so great is that the site for which you are guest posting for already has built up the first two main blogging goals that you are currently working on, which is CONTENT and TRAFFIC. So you can literally piggyback on other bloggers’ traffic by simply guest posting for them.
  • Connect with other bloggers – Join Facebook groups, ask questions on their blogs or through their newsletters, read what other bloggers are asking, and join comment threads that can bring comments back to your blog, or link parties that have the ability to get your blog seen more.
  • Build connections – It’s most likely true that your close circle of friends and family will NOT know what this whole “blogging thing” is about. Mine doesn’t and honestly, having connections with other like-minded people while actively participating with them and engaging with them will help you feel less ALONE!


10. Money.

Alright, let’s talk about money! I know that the whole reason that a lot of you have decided to be a blogger was that of its HUGE financial ‘potential’ return. And the truth of the matter is, it’s amazing. I made $65 in ONE day in my second month of blogging and two years down the road, I made $1800 USD in one day, not even doing anything. If that’s not awesome, what is?! 

Here are some tips regarding money and what to expect being a new blogger:

  • Money should not be your main goal – Don’t make money your main goal when you first start out. Remember that your first two goals should be CONTENT & TRAFFIC and you need those two to support one another in order for you to be better able to monetize your blog down the road. A lot of new bloggers miss out on focusing on these two first and that is a huge mistake!
  • The get rich quick scheme is a downright lie -There’s no “get rich quick” scheme in blogging and that’s the stone-cold truth, I promise! The blogs that have people making 5k a month in their 3rd-month blogging, have built their blog for about 6 months (behind the scenes) then launched it. Think about it. In your third-month blogging, you would most likely have 30 posts to market. It takes 6 weeks for Pinterest to recognize new content. It just doesn’t add up, unless they built up their Pinterest profile along with their blog behind the scenes for at least 6 months. That’s just my opinion!
  • In order to set yourself up for success as soon as possible, I highly advise you to enroll in Elite Blog Academy – I am making my money back that I spent on this course right now, and it goes into detail with a step-by-step module format on how to set up your brand new blog for SUCCESS from the very beginning.  Also, you don’t even need to have any prior experience to join! You might as well get your name on their waiting list here, so you can get the email when they open the enrollment dates (which is usually around February!).
  • As an added bonus and if you do join the course, you get to join a HIGHLY ACTIVE Facebook group of over 4,000+ new bloggers to connect with. Participation is key because you can learn, ask questions, and not feel so alone!


11. Brand Partnerships.

A LOT of other bloggers will tell you to have a media kit set in place at the beginning, but really, you have to first focus on your first two main goals before you can generate sponsorship opportunities.

It’s kind of like putting the cart before the horse, so I’ll be leaving branding and partnerships tips and advice for another future post, which I will add here when it is ready 🙂


12. Marketing.

Once you are ready to market the great content that you worked so incredibly hard on for your blog, the next best place and hands down to start marketing your brand new blog really well is through Pinterest. So I will just be focusing on Pinterest for you as a new blogger because that is where your full focus should go when it comes to marketing your brand new blog. 

These are the three things that I did when I was first started marketing Everything Abode on Pinterest:

  • Create LOTS of Pins – I learned how to create my pins through Canva. Now, this is going to be painstakingly frustrating for the first while. And the reason for this is, you’ll compare your pins to other established bloggers. My pin templates were HORRENDOUS in the beginning. Cringeworthy. In fact, you may have come across a few on Pinterest before.
  • Invest in Tailwind – Once you get the hang of creating different designs, you’ll then want to market your blog with those pins. Here’s the catch. Tailwind users are ALL bloggers themselves and they are ALL paying the tailwind fee to be a part of Tailwind Communities. It’s SO worth it and doing this one thing alone will get you those page views (aka TRAFFIC) that you want for your new blog fast! You can start a free trial here and get $15 off your second month here!
  • Pin consistently – I have 5 rules that I follow for my pinning strategy and you can check that out here or better yet, check out my full Tailwind strategy here. It hasn’t changed in the years that I have been using Tailwind and it works!


13. Social media. 

Okay, so now that you have gone this far, you should pat yourself on the back because you are so close to getting all your ducks in a row to making a living off of being a full-time blogger.

Here’s how you should first start your social media presence as a new blogger:

  • Obtain ALL of your social media handles when you FIRST pick a name for your blog – This goes without saying, but it’s best to use the same name as your blog across all of your social media handles. As much as you are not working on videos for YouTube as of now, trust me you will want to on year three of your blogging career, (you’ll have so much knowledge to teach by then, that those $1 per 1000 views will look very tempting to be a part of).
  • Be active – Choose one social media outlet to focus your attention on and be active with it. Have fun and post when you can. A no-brainer would be to start with Pinterest first! Instagram can wait, you should build your pageviews and Pinterest profile FIRST!
  • Invest your time in Pinterest: The one area that NEEDS your focus FIRST will be Pinterest. Actually, Pinterest really isn’t a social media platform (it’s more of a search engine). So build up your followers, create 10-15 keyword rich boards, and join as many group boards as you can, (in fact, you can join my group boards. Just send me an email using my contact form and check out my boards on my Pinterest account here!).
  • Pin LOTS – Start pinning ALL the pins that best DESCRIBE what your blog is about- The more pins you pin from within your niche, the better Pinterest will know what your blog is about, and when they do, they will start letting others know about your profile or pins when they use the search bar for searching for content within your new blog niche.


Other important blogging tips to consider & a brief rundown:

  • Check to see if your name is trademarked. VERY IMPORTANT! You can do that here! Down the road, you may want to create a physical product OR sell products on Amazon and you need to be trademarked for that. 
  • Choose your niche that you can stand the test of time with. Don’t reinvent the wheel unless you have the TIME and money. Do what is already working for other bloggers. 
  • Use WordPress- I can’t stress this enough. Use my free guide here for help setting it up!
  • Make sure you are self-hosted from the VERY BEGINNING- Bluehost is my number one choice! Sign up now, this is a discounted price only for my readers.
  • Manually pin on Pinterest A LOT – This will help you when you are ready to market your posts/pins. I manually pinned for two hours every day before I invested in Tailwind and marketed my blog.
  • Apply to be a part of a lot of group boards – this is also a grey area because Pinterest is focusing less on group boards, but all of the pins that have given me traffic mountains personally came through using group boards. You can check out my group boards here to see if you want to join them!
  • Always create high-quality content – I have written a post that outlines how to create high-quality content easily for you here.
  • Don’t put PRESSURE on yourself -Have fun with it. The more you have fun, the better your writing habits will be. (I thoroughly had FUN writing this post for YOU! 🙂 )

Also, I didn’t touch base on email marketing because you need to focus mainly on what I articulated in this article. 

If you already have ConvertKit then this guide will help you send freebies to your own readers really easily. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Final Thoughts!

There are many different ways to go about blogging and I want you to be able to be set up for success from the start.

So focus only on your first two goals… which are CONTENT and TRAFFIC! That’s it. Be consistent with your message, create killer content that really really helps people, and don’t be afraid to start. 

Don’t quit and you’ll get to your goals of making a great career out of this industry that is blogging. 

I wish you the very best!

If you liked this post, please let me know in the comments below, I’d be happy to connect with you!


This post was also proofread by Grammarly.

*This website,, is copyrighted, and no part of this website may be copied, reproduced, recorded to redistribute, or used in any manner. Copyright by Everything Abode.

Author: Everything Abode

Welcome to Everything Abode, your daily inspiration for every activity at home!

Our goal is to inspire you to live an elegant and chic lifestyle from the comfort of your home.

We’ll help you express yourself through authentic style, aesthetic beauty, and stylish home decor.

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Saturday 17th of June 2023

Thank You so much!As a new blogger, I am delighted to have come across your blog and found it very helpful.