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12 Daily Habits You Should Probably Do Every Day

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If you can learn these daily healthy habits they’ll not only help you live better, healthier, and happier but are beneficial to anyone looking to add worthwhile habits to their daily lives!

12 Daily Habits You Should Probably Do Every Day

Are you looking for simple lifestyle changes that are quick and easy?

If so, you must realize that our future is dependent on the small actions we take every day.

The repetitive acts we perform on a daily basis are what make up our reality and they take us in a direction whether bad or good to live the lives we lead.

However, you may not realize it, but many of our habits are driven by “autopilot”. This means that when we do these behaviors, we don’t think about them.

Yet, to make positive changes it is important that the things we do have a purpose for our higher good. 

Moreover, the daily, consistent habits we do every single day should be easy to follow, nor should they require any money.

So without further ado, here are twelve daily habits everyone should follow on a daily and consistent basis, in order to lead a more healthy, positive life.


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12 Positive Daily Habits That’ll Make Your Day Complete

12 Positive Daily Habits That'll Make Your Day Complete

1.   Drink Lots of Water as a daily habit.

12 Daily Habits That'll Make Your Day Complete - Everything Abode - drink lots of water

When it comes to having healthy habits on a daily basis, definitely try to get your hands on as much as you can throughout the day.

Drinking water has many health benefits, including maximizing your physical performance and significantly affecting energy levels and brain function. It can also help to prevent headaches and hangovers and aid in weight loss.

The recommended daily intake of water is eight glasses of water with eight ounces in every glass.

However, if you dislike the taste of plain water, simply add fruit. Adding fruit will make drinking water more tolerable and it should improve your overall energy, especially if you wake up and drink lots of water first thing in the morning. 


2.   Incorporate a healthy skincare routine — morning and night. 

Incorporate a healthy skincare routine -- morning and night. 

Another daily habit that a lot of people tend to skip over is having a daily skincare regimen.

Since the skin is the body’s largest organ, a healthy skincare routine is a must! 

Moreover, you won’t see your skin regain its fullest potential if you don’t wash your face each morning and night with a good skin toner, moisturizer, and gentle soaps.

Not only that but a daily skincare routine encourages the skin to breathe at night as you retire to bed.

So if you are not yet making time daily to take care of your skin, learn how to incorporate healthy skincare activities into your daily routine today!

Similar: How to Set Intentions for the Day in 10 Easy Steps


3.  Do one thing a day to increase blood flow.

Do one thing a day that gets your heart rate pumping and stay active.

Although getting actively fit every day can be one of the harder habits to do, particularly if you are very busy and work a full-time job, however getting in shape doesn’t imply that you shouldn’t try to do what you can.

For instance, a little bit of stretching and walking can be more effective than you’d expect!

For instance, walking can help you control your weight, reduce the risk of heart diseases, and help the body manage blood sugar and insulin levels both helping to stabilize a positive mood!

Stretching allows the body to improve its performance in physical activities, decreases the risk of injuries, helps the joints move through their full range of motion, and increases muscle blood flow to enable muscles to work most effectively.

So it goes without saying that doing something remotely active every day benefits the whole body and is a great daily habit to incorporate into your lifestyle on a daily basis.


4.  Floss your teeth. 

12 Daily Habits That'll Make Your Day Complete - floss every day

In addition to maintaining good health, it is also crucial that you not hesitate to floss your teeth at least once a day.

American Dental Association recommends that you clean between your teeth every day with an interdental cleaner (like floss). Cleaning between your teeth can help to prevent cavities and gum disease. Plaque, a sticky film between teeth, can be easily removed by flossing.

Moreover, flossing helps avoid high dental bills, adds years to your life, and only takes about 1-2 minutes of your day.


5. Try an Ayurvedic method & drink hot lemon water with dinner.

6. Try an Ayurvedic diet method & Drink hot lemon water with dinner.

Did you know that just one cup of hot water with dinner has so many effects, such as flushing away contaminants, enhancing nutrition and sleep, and balancing the immune system?

There is an explanation for that and it’s because hot lemon water assists in the absorption of more nutrients from your food. Additionally, you’ll also get added vitamin C via the lemon.

So, grab hold of your favorite mug and make sure to put the kettle on right before you chow down because you will soon realize that the Ayurvedic method is a powerful daily habit to implement. 

Try hot lemon water with dinner.


6. Meditate to maintain a calm and restful mind.

Meditate to keep a calm mind.

Since we are all concentrating really hard on getting through the day, we must keep our mental well-being in mind, and incorporating a little bit of daily zen is probably not a bad idea. 

So light up some candles, put your comfortable clothes on (that also keep you warm), and either sit or lay in your bed, whilst concentrating just on your breathing for 5 minutes.

When you achieve this the first time, you’ll become more secure in yourself and will be inspired to continue this as a normal routine.

Additionally, creating a calm home will also help develop a better meditation practice, so while you are here, don’t forget to check out these 7 ways to create a calmer home.

Similar: 7 Steps that’ll Change Your Life Around


7.   Include a little bit of music to uplift your spirit. 

12 Things You Should Probably Do Every Day! - person standing looking down while holding phone

Holding a little dance party for a minute or two is a really enjoyable and restorative way to feel better. So aim to integrate a little bit of music into everyday life.

You can create your own Spotify playlist and save your favorite songs for your ultimate personal soundtrack.

And when the time comes, you’ll have some very interesting and enjoyable music that you can listen to and appreciate.


8.  Take Pictures to savor those precious memories. 

Black and White bunny on white bed with laptop and photographs -

In life, we must all acknowledge the wonderful memories we have, because life is short, and having photos of such memorable moments will make us remember better.

Plus, images have a way of transporting us to all the great things that have happened in our lives, and sadly, oftentimes those moments go unnoticed and unrecalled because we simply were too tired (or maybe embarrassed) to take out our phones to snap the photo that we just needed to catch.

So, make sure to take the photos you like and don’t be bothered about what others say about it. If you do this every day, you’ll have plenty to look back on and maybe even see some personal and physical growth!


9.  Eat at least one healthy meal every single day.

Eat at least one Healthy Meal every day.

The exciting thing about balanced eating is that you don’t have to follow a restrictive diet, you only have to be sure that the meals you consume provide the nutrition you need. And it is critical that you eat a nutritious meal at least once a day.

There are so many ways to eat healthily, incorporate lots of greens and vegetables, and of course, always try to stay extra hydrated.


10.  Leave someone a nice comment & make someone feel good.

12 Things You Should Probably Do Every Day - leave a nice comment via @everythingabode

This optimistic habit is all about bringing something positive into the universe because you must do at least one thing a day that does good for humanity. 

This is not only a powerful and successful approach to using the law of attraction but leaving constructive feedback on social media or making someone else feel good is a successful way to brighten someone’s day.

You’ll feel amazing for uplifting someone’s day and it’s also a perfect way to stay connected and build healthy relationships.

So send a sincere comment on someone’s post and give them the supportive message they need today! 


11. Set an intention to actively create the life you want. 

12 Things You Should Probably Do Each Day- Set A Goal -person writing dollar sign on sketch book, with pink tea cup

Another great daily habit is setting a goal of having an intention for the day.

When you actively create a meaningful intention, doing so will be your guiding light for the day because the old adage saying says “where focus goes, energy flows.”

So start creating a daily intention and be sure to put your intention up somewhere, where you’ll see it most often, throughout the day. 

This will encourage you to put your dreams first. And daily intentions will give you more of a direction on where you are heading in life to help steer you down the best possible path towards being able to manifest them. 

And if you are not currently being inspired on a daily basis OR if you’re not staying focusing on a daily goal that you would love to accomplish?

Try to create your intention at the beginning of the day. You don’t have to go wild. Just a small daily goal is all you need. And if you can meditate on your intention before you leave the house in the morning, the better!

If you do this one little but profound habit every single day without wavering, you’ll be so much closer to attaining your dream life. So do everything you can to think about your future and where you are heading in life so you can actively make every day count!

And if you need more help with creating your intentions, check out 10 easy ways to set a daily intention that sticks here


12.   Stay up to date with current events.

 Stay up to date with current events. - Everything Abode

Lastly, regardless of your political leanings, keeping up to date with what’s going on in the world or in your community is also something to consider doing as a daily habit. 

The reason this is an important daily habit to consider is that everything that occurs on the globe or in your community affects you, affects everybody else, and affects our future.

Moreover, ‘staying in the know’ is something you can briefly do during a simple ten-minute break at the office or while standing in line at a coffee shop. 

Plus, you’ll also have the chance to join conversations and have input to those discussions being had, all because you took the time to learn something new and stay up to date with current events. 


There you have it! There’s no doubt that these habits can be utilized by almost everyone. You don’t need extra money to do them, they are all available by choice and the only thing that will be hard is committing to doing them each and every day.

But if you do incorporate a few of these daily habits, you should see great results in how you spend your overall day! 


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Author: Everything Abode

Welcome to Everything Abode, your daily inspiration for every activity at home!

Our goal is to inspire you to live an elegant and chic lifestyle from the comfort of your home.

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14 Self-Care Sunday Ideas To Take Better Care Of Yourself - Everything Abode

Tuesday 31st of August 2021

[…] 12 Things You Should Probably Do Every Single day […]

Madeline Theis

Thursday 25th of February 2021

Very informative article to read. I really got something new in your blog and would like to read more. Keep writing such kind of informative posts in the future.


Saturday 27th of February 2021

Thanks so much Madeline! Glad you enjoyed it :)


Wednesday 10th of February 2021

Hi Rebecca, This is an amazing read. I am definitely gonna implement these habits in my daily routine. Let's see how it goes. Meditation is the one, I need to focus on more. Well, Thanks for sharing this awesome blog. I love it.


Friday 12th of February 2021

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks!


Tuesday 6th of August 2019

Love it


Tuesday 6th of August 2019

Thank you! :)